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My name is Michelle and I am very glad you stopped by. I hope you take some time to look at the different categories and visit often.

I started “Riding Shockwaves” for a few reasons. The first reason is because I am on a healing journey from abuse that went on for 20 years, with two different men. An audio bible study leader once said “Where your passion and your conviction meet is where you find your calling.” My suffering and survival were never meant to happen in a vacuum and neither is yours. I am seeking not just survival, but a state of thriving. You are NOT alone.

The second reason is because, despite many wounds- God knit me together with his love and gave me a Divine Purpose. I am a daughter of The King. While I am not perfect or finished growing, my foundation and identity comes from the Lord. And as my favorite verse says, “If God is for you, who can be against you?” This is Romans 8:31. It means that no matter what you come up against, when God is on your side, you will overcome and prevail. It may not look like what you expected (ALWAYS BETTER), but God will not be defeated and he promises he will restore. His promises NEVER fail. [Notice the absolutes. Only true of God.] Hopefully, I will help you ride all the various shockwaves that are part of life.

I am not a counselor or psychologist. But, I know soul healing because I know Christ. I also know that too many religious organizations tell Christian women they are wrong, it is their fault, they have to suck it up, they are called to suffer while twisting biblical context, that psychology is demonic, that they should keep their mouths shut, pray more, submit more, sometimes even that they aren’t saved because they made their suffering known. I am an out-of-the-box thinker because I think all of those messages are anti-biblical, anti-Christian, anti-woman, anti-human and downright dangerous. Christ is my stronghold, but I have had to do a lot of hard, painful heart work. I am not done with my journey, but I hope to contribute to a healthy, new path for you. Healing is not a passive state and cannot be done in an oppressive environment.

If you are familiar with the Word, you know in Ephesians 6, God asks us to be fully armored up. But then, he does something completely unexpected. He asks us to stand, not fight. Remember that- the fight is not ours. Whatever you are facing, God wants you to draw closer to him, to grow, and to heal. But NOT fight. Stay where you are, stand firm, and I will meet you there.

My mission is to nurture you, offer you truth & hope, validate you, inform you, support you, guide you, pray for you, bring you peace, love you and see you walk through this valley to a beautiful hill where you shine at its peak in your life. There is one other thing. It may feel like your whole life is about your abuse or your relationship. No way! Check out the other parts of my blog that aren’t about this serious topic.

I would love to hear from you, with one important request. I do not want this to become a place that houses complaints or where people try to one-up the last post with how much more terrible their particular situation is. Please help me build this into a safe, beautiful Expression Forest where we can elevate one another.

I may open a private Facebook page for more serious/candid discussion about heavy, painful topics. There is a place and time to share some of those things. Please email me privately about your hurts and I will do my best to respond swiftly.

If you are in a dangerous situation, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and find safety. There are shelters, ask a friend or family member for help. You can get an order of protection at a police station after business hours at ANY time. Make a plan and be safe. Not fighting does not mean giving up. It means, maybe for the first time ever, taking care of you.

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